Game Programmer

Penempatan: Jakarta Pusat , DKI Jakarta
Kategori: Full Time
Bidang Pekerjaan: Game Developer

Uraian Tugas

• Involve in all areas of game programming including programming of Graphics, Game Logic, Networking and User Interface.
• Write robust code to be used by millions of users.
• Work as part of a team of different job desc
• Support and contribute new ideas to game design
• Contribute to best practices including peer reviews, coding standards, and others.
• Contribute to modification of game design by suggesting alternative game features and functions.
• Contribute to the development of overall technical specifications of game development.
• Convert product requirements into a technical design by collaborating with stakeholders.
• Ensure integration of the various game modules and levels for a seamless experience.
• Guide team members on a variety of complex features for game development.
• Manage the development of various builds to achieve technical stability and functional objectives.
• Provide technical mentoring to the team members in executing gameplay ideas and features.
• Resolve performance and stability issues proactively as required.
• Support the development of a technical document focusing on the user interface (UI), artificial intelligence (AI), sound, physics, and gameplay.

• Troubleshoot complex problems and create solutions to unforeseen design problems in a timely manner.

Syarat & Kualifikasi

• Have a minimum of 3 years of experience in using Unity3D
• A gamer; your passion for videogames is what drove you to the industry
• Passion for creating and playing video games.
• Enjoy working in a team
• Experienced with C# as Unity3D’s programming language
• Excellent in object-oriented design and unity’s component-based design
• Strong math skills
• Capable to explore a wide variety of ideas that improve the game experience
• Takes initiative to solve problems with clear communication.
• Highly motivated to improve yourself, especially in game programming skills

• Familiar and experienced with 3D game development, 3D data structure
• Experienced in shader programming
• Having released applications (using Unity3d or others) in the Application Store (Google Play Store, Apple Appstore,, gamejolt, etc), (please submit the application link and explain your role in it)

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