Social Media Specialist

Penempatan: Denpasar , Bali
Kategori: Freelance
Industri: Game Developer

Uraian Tugas

    • Developing social media content plans that are consistent with the company’s brand identity
    • Managing daily social media posts
    • Creating consistent, meaningful content on all social media platforms, including writing and editing social media posts, improving customer engagement, and promoting social media campaigns

    Syarat & Kualifikasi

    • Proficiency in managing social media platforms, creating engaging content, and strategizing social media campaign
    • Thrive on learning new technologies and techniques.
    • Capable of working independently and collaboratively within a team.
    • Strong problem-solving abilities.
    • Portfolio showcasing your previous work.
    • Familiarity with the mobile games development process.
    • Remote work option, providing flexibility and convenience.
    • Opportunity for offline working in Bali.
    • Receive a certificate upon successful completion of the internship.
    • Obtain a personalized recommendation letter highlighting your achievements and skills.
    • Receive an assessment of your performance during the internship.