IT Support Intern

Penempatan: Bandung , Jawa Barat
Kategori: Magang
Bidang Pekerjaan: Game Developer

Uraian Tugas

  • Assist in verifying and updating the IT database by cross-referencing physical assets and ensuring data accuracy.
  • Update records, correct inaccuracies, and maintain comprehensive documentation of IT assets.
  • Resolve low-priority tickets in the IT ticketing system, including basic troubleshooting, software installations, and user support.
  • Conduct routine maintenance tasks to reduce the backlog of low-priority IT tickets and enhance IT Team efficiency.
  • Help identify and filter unused or obsolete IT devices for proper documentation and potential decommissioning.

Syarat & Kualifikasi

  • Currently pursuing or recently completed a degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, or a related field.
  • Strong interest in IT asset management and technical support
  • Basic knowledge of IT infrastructure, including databases, software, and hardware components.
  • Excellent attention to detail and organizational skills to maintain accurate records.
  • Strong problem-solving skills with a proactive attitude toward resolving technical issues.
  • Good communication skills to collaborate with team members and provide user support.
  • Ability to work independently and effectively within a team setting.

* Semua lamaran lowongan dan proses rekrutmen GRATIS tanpa dipungut biaya.
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