PHP Web Developer

Penempatan: Yogyakarta , DI Yogyakarta
Kategori: Full Time
Bidang Pekerjaan: Game Developer

Uraian Tugas

  • Integration of mobile sites, using internally developed frameworks and systems
  • Integration of billing systems based on different APIs
  • Maintain existing sites and systems
  • Provide technical support on existing projects
  • Debug and fix technical issues during integrations

Syarat & Kualifikasi

  • Experience with PHP
  • Experience in HTML5, CSS and MySQL (a portfolio of web sites is a plus)
  • Understanding of Оbject-Oriented Programming standards is mandatory
  • Payment systems knowledge – would be a plus
  • Experience with Front and Back-end development
  • Good organizational skills and result-oriented ability to meet deadlines
  • Intermediate level of English (ability to read/understand technical documentation and communicate in a written form is a must)
  • Good logic and analytic skills
  • Knowledge of PHP Frameworks
  • Intermediate Excel proficiency (Data compilation, complex formulas, pivot table,...)
  • Experience in React/Symfony/AWS environment is appreciated but not mandatory

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