2D Character and Environment Illustrator

Penempatan: Jakarta Selatan , DKI Jakarta
Kategori: Full Time
Bidang Pekerjaan: Game Developer

Uraian Tugas

Megaxus is currently looking for a 2D artist specialized in creating 2D concepts and illustrations to develop a unique identity for various game titles.

  • Create high-quality artwork, including characters, environments/backgrounds, textures, and specific assets, within tight deadlines.
  • Ensure that the artwork follows the specified art direction.
  • Touch up and modify existing artwork.
  • Apply textures to various graphic elements.
  • Add lighting and shading effects to various graphic elements, ensuring consistency in color, intensity, and lighting levels.
  • Implement feedback from the art lead by making appropriate changes to the artwork.

Syarat & Kualifikasi

  • Applicants must provide a link to their portfolio.
  • Diploma in Fine Arts or equivalent.
  • Production experience is a plus.
  • Adaptability to different graphic styles (anime, cartoon, realistic, pixel, etc.).
  • Excellent understanding of line and form, color and light, human anatomy, technical and architectural design, and environmental drawing.
  • Excellent knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
  • Proficient in using a drawing tablet.
  • Highly creativity.
  • Open-minded and outward-looking
  • Knowledgeable in contemporary media (animation, web, games, comics, film, etc.).
  • Ability to collaborate with other artists and team members.

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